
Norberto Gomez: 1967 – 2016

MCMC Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition Norberto Gómez: 1967 – 2016, curated by Florencia Chernajovsky. Norberto Gómez (1941) studied at “Manuel Belgrano” School of Fine Arts in 1954 and attended the workshops of Castagnino and Berni. In 1965 he traveled to Paris, where he worked with Julio Le Parc. A year later he returned to Buenos Aires and began a series of geometric objects that explored the relationship of forms with space, ascribing to the gui­delines of American minimalism. In 1976 he develops a body of works that oscillate between the geometric and melted objects, using wood and metallic paint.

By 1977, he moved away completely from geometry and began to explore the possibilities and limits of polyester. These sculptures in resin, which take the form of viscera and human organs, are strongly traversed by the atrocities that occurred during the military dictatorship in Buenos Aires y the 70s. In 1984 begins a series of polyester works that address issues around power and oppression; in 1990 he exhibited at Ruth Benzacar gallery, mutilated human figures, mixed with animals and architectural fragments, with a parody tone and full of humor. In 1995 the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires made a retrospective of his work and in 1999 he was invited to be part of the Memory Park in Buenos Aires, where he presented the monumental sculpture Torres de la Memoria. In the first decade of 2000 he works on a series of bronzes that question the his­tory and the monument with great irony; in 2002 he received the Konex Prize. In 2011, the Osde Foundation made a retrospective exhibition of his works and in 2016 the National Museum of Fine Arts made an individual exhibition with geometric works made between 2014 and 2016.

Norberto Gómez: 1967-2016 explores different facets of the work of an intrinsically versatile ar­tist. A main figure in the history of Argentine art, Gómez slid through various movements and languages over the course of half a century, finding small interstices of full and sovereign free­dom of expression. The exhibition shows works that are linked to the Minimalist movement of the 60s, as well as the Pop art influence in his soft geometries.

The exhibition also includes works made in the 70s that refer to the Argentine political context, as well as the bronze pieces made in the 2000s that show the artist’s disruptive humor. These pieces will coexist with unpublished drawings of the 70s that express his skill as a lyricist, a pro­fession that Norberto Gómez exercises for more than twenty years, which allows him to develop an acute sensitivity of space, distances and forms.

César Paternosto – Contrast and leaks

Contrast and leaks brings together a selection of paper works by argentine artist César Paternosto. The works show the continuous need of the artist to evolve towards new plastic solutions, without losing the singular and reductivist sense of the structure and taking into account the pictorical sensual dimension, that characterizes his work so much.

This exhibition is close, as few, to the visual poetics through a set of constructions and geome­tric deconstructions created recently in acrylic on folded paper, which silently account for the careful manipulation of the material and the mastery in the austere use of color, of long tradi­tion in the works of the artist. They are refined and very simple compositions, with an unusual coherence. The exhibition is completed with small and colorful historical paper works, dated from the mid-sixties.

The works also remind us of the atonal musical compositions, a discipline closely related to Paternosto’s artistic production, in which the silences between some notes and others burst at different times in the phrases of the scores. In this way, they continue to question the habit of frontality in traditional reading in favor of an integral mode of observation.

We are in front of a sophisticated work that tells a story rooted in the history of our continent, since from an early age, Paternosto joined a stream of aesthetic research that, from Joaquín Torres-García’s geometry, unified the concepts of Avant-garde Art and Indoamerican tradition uniting, therefore, modernity and roots, as well as future and identity. This has been one of the central themes in his work.

The Abstraction as meaning has been the axis of Paternosto’s work, which implies, as the artist himself has said and written, a great stubbornness on his part. The ongoing effort of the autor to achieve the core of his expectations has taken him to divest himself of everything that did not bear a close relation to his intense search for meaning. In his works there is a slight sense of austerity that predispose us to question our perception of the artistic fact, highlighting in turn, the sophistication and genuine vocation of the artist.

Eduardo Costa – Dematerialization / Applause on the substance

Dematerialization / applause to the substance it’s Eduardo Costa’s solo exhibition, curated by Diego Bianchi that exhibited a series of volumetric paintings that show the inexhaustible validity and creativity of one of the most talented and representative conceptual artists.

Costa (1940, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine artist who lived twenty-five years in the United States and four in Brazil. He began his career in Buenos Aires as part of the Torcuato Di Tella Institute generation and continued working in New York, where he made a strong contribution to the lo­cal avant-garde. He has collaborated with american artists such as: Vito Acconci, Scott Burton, John Perreault and Hannah Weiner, among others. In Brazil, he participated in projects organi­zed by Hélio Oiticica, Lygia Pape, Antonio Manuel, Lygia Clark among others artists from the School of Río de Janeiro.

Costa imposes his presence with the powerful conceptual production that carried out up to the present. A new art emerged from the possibilities offered by the pictorial filling. The painting in solid state agrees in his hands to adopt forms an unusual relief. Parodying still- life and geome­tric figures representations.

Volumetric paintings arose by exploring the limits of matter with an experimental zeal. “Twenty years ago I wanted to rescue the painting of the structural boredom it was in and I thought about Lucio Fontana and the Madí who renewed the pictorial world by force of depth and meaning”. Costa then hit the paint introducing a new twist. He discovered that he could stop representing vases and instead acquire the real volume of things.

His work has been discussed in art in America, Art Forum and in the main conceptual art books: Alberro A., MIT, 1999; P. Osborne, Phaedon, 2002; Mari Carmen Ramírez and Héctor Olea, Yale / Houston Art Museum, 2004; Agnes. Katzenstein, MoMA, New York, 2004, Luis Pérez-Oramas and others, San Antonio Art Museum, 2004; Luis Camnitzer, University of Texas, 2007, among others. His work has been exhibited at the New Museum, New York; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid; Queens Museum of Art, Queens, New York; Art Center List, Bos­ton; Miami Art Museum, Walker Art Center, Minnesota, MOMA, Buenos Aires; National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, among others. Participates in a project that consists of making Du­champ / Costa 30 bicycles inspired by a 1980 model, for an exhibition on the work of Duchamp curated by Jessica Morgan (Tate Modern) for the Jumex Foundation in Mexico City.

Holidays – Edgardo Giménez

Holidays brings together a series of sculptures and paintings from argentinian artist Edgardo Gi­ménez, that show the inexhaustible validity and creativity of one of the most talented and original pop art artists of all times.

The image of the “civilized monk Chita” as the artist designates the legendary companion of Tarzan, is a recurring theme in his latest works and has a fundamental role in this exhibition.

When defining the exhibition, Edgardo Giménez points out: “it is true to my usual purpose, which is to make an anti-depressant art. My works do not allow you to be in a bad mood “. He adds: “It seems to me that in these moments when we are invaded by bad news, my art does not have to match reality; it must contrast that sorrow and rescue the joy of life. Let’s not forget that we are passing through here and that this transit should not be a nightmare, but a marvel. “

Edgardo Giménez was born in Santa Fe (Argentina) and at the age of thirteen he started working in an ad­vertising agency. Self-taughted with a vocation and a talent out of the ordinary, in the 1960s he joined the legendary Di Tella Institute of Buenos Aires. Multifaceted creator, graphic artist, sculptor, draftsman and painter. He created stage sets for cinema and theatre and designed several houses, including his refuge and workshop in Punta Indio (Buenos Aires) and the residence of Romero Brest in City Bell, La Plata (Buenos Aires). The architectural plans of the latter inte­grated the exhibition Transformation in Modern Architecture at the MoMA Museum in New York in 1979.

He received majors awards, such as: the Honor Prize at the First International Biennial of Applied Arts in Pun­ta del Este, Uruguay (1965); the Honor Prize at the International Poster Biennale, at the National Museum of Warsaw (1996); Silver Condor Prize by the Argentinian Association of Cinematographic Chroniclers for the best scenography (1973) and the Leonardo Award for the Artistic Career, MNBA (1997).

His works were exhibited in Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá, Caracas, Mexico City, St. Paul, Was­hington, Munich, Warsaw, Leipzig, New York, New Orleans, Toronto, Cleveland and Paris.

He recently participated in various exhibitions at the Torcuato Di Tella Institute in Buenos Aires, the National Museum of Fine Arts in Neuquén, the Tigre Art Museum and the Kirchner Cultural Center in Argentina. In 2018 he had an individual exhibition entitled Where all the dreams come true, at the Tigre Art Museum in Buenos Aires, (Argentina).

Jorge de la Vega – Artworks 1961-1968

“I want my works to collide with the spectator with the same intensity that all their parts collide with each other, however small they may be. A nacre piece on a stain. The number next to a stone. A tinsel beast. A chimera of smoke. Beings measuring themselves with emptiness and a mirror to look at each other“.

Jorge de la Vega – works from 1961-1968 is a solo exhibition of argentinian artist  Jorge De La Vega, curated by Mercedes Casanegra. He was one of the most unique Argentine artists of the second half of the 20th century. He was an architecture student when he started painting in the mid 40s. His Bestiary (Los Monstruos) 1963-1966, and the Pop-Psychedelia / Black and White period, 1966-1971, are central moments of his production –to which correspond the works exhibited at the gallery-. Between these two periods he travelled to the United States, to Cornell University (Ithaca), and to New York. He later declared about this trip:
“The changes mobilize me. In New York I changed the theme. I said goodbye to the mythological figures and the search of man. America is such a powerful world and by contrast, man acquires relief. I left the collage and I dedicated myself to paint the happiness of the Americans¨.

These words express his feelings about the passage between the two periods of his production, that gave him the fame and importance he enjoys today as an Argentinean and Latin American artist. During his Pop stage, he also composed songs and dedicated himself to sing them in public, at night places in Buenos Aires. His lyrics are still resonating, of wit and remarkable psychological apprehension. His songs are still played by Marikena Monti, his partner in many shows.
De la Vega was part of the group called Nueva Figuración (New Figurations), along with Ernesto Deira, Rómulo Macció and Luis Felipe Noé, between 1961-1965. It was a group of four artists of remarkable talent and powerful individuality in which each one developed their own aesthetic discourse and together they constitute a fundamental chapter in the history of Argentine art.

Jorge de la Vega, in one way or another, always returns, and historians, curators, museum directors and collectors, revisit him constantly. His tribute exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, in 1976; his presence in Recordando al Di Tella exhibition at the San Telmo Foundation in 1985; his participation at the Sao Paulo Biennial in 1985; his “Puzzle” installation at the Costantini Collection exhibitions at the Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, in 1996, before the collector created his own Museum. The Malba Museum, dedicated an exhibition in 2003 with my curatorship, simultaneously with the publication of a book dedicated to his complete work by Editorial El Ateneo, which includes an essay in chapters and biographical chronology by Marcelo Pacheco, Francis Korn, Silvia Sigal and Sergio A. Pujol, with a prologue written by me.

On the other hand, the collectors in Buenos Aires holds him as a ‘spoiled child’. There were many gallerists and collectors who appreciated it from the first moment. Alfredo Bonino, Arte Nuevo, Vermeer, Ruth Benzacar, among others galleries. And, others abroad. His work participated in many international exhibitions.
The artist’s production is composed of a relatively limited set of oil painted works and collages or bricolages of acrylic paint -a technique he started working on in the United States-, ink, engraving, aquatint and etching and efasage. And, a parallel corpus is made out of his lyrics and his musical interpretation of the songs preserved in his album called “El gusanito”.

Although during the last fifteen years De la Vega’s work participated in numerous group exhibitions in Buenos Aires and abroad -including the group Nueva Figuración that exhibited at the National Museum of Fine Arts in 2010- as well as the collectors, the cultural institutions, the art experts, the gallerists, the market and the art students have kept the interest in the enormous artist that he used to be, his work has never been shown individually until today, with this exhibition.

Jorge de la Vega- works from 1961-1971  at Malba -Latin American Museum of Art- opened in November 13th, in 2003, fourteen years ago, and it is the closest antecedent to the current exhibition of a set of his work, at the MCMC gallery.

Miguel Harte – My special friend

My special friend, it’s Miguel Harte’s anthological exhibition.

“If Suarez chose in all cases to rest on the other and Pombo remembers with passion his friends of G.A.G, Harte’s works to get out of himself at another rythm; the weight of emptiness in some of his works speaks as much of a preventive spirit against violent intrusive action as of the internal struggle between saving himself and the desire to be outside.

In ascending order, his genealogy could include the vertigo of attraction towards the interior dimensions that Lucio Fontana formalized; to the spirit of innocent exploratory engineering of Kosice; to the collapse of the bodies as formal structures of Yves Tanguy; to the protozoo sculptures of Otto Piene; to the conflation of genres of Lynda Benglis; the fleshy extractions of Alina Szapocznikow. In a downward direction, the issue becomes more complex. Although it is understood that the pure image to which Harte aspires to arrive is a redeemed image of the social, one might think that perhaps it begins in the social and wants to turn it around, to return to it in a circular route.
Their offspring would pass by transmitting a way of doing that can be learned with the hands and that does not serve to read it, nor to listen to it. A lesson that has more to do with the tightness of a glove than with statutes and legislation on how to live and how to be an artist. Although we talk about bodies and biologies, the most organic thing Harte’s works have is the process that brings them to the world: long, gradual, intoxicating. What he lacks in rigor when it comes to imagining the mechanics of a body and the detail of its interior functioning, he compensates with his commitment to this long process of conformation, which is biological because it is collective.”
Alejo Ponce de León

Martina Quesada – Memories of the form

Memories of the form is Martina Quesada’s first solo exhibition at MCMC gallery. The text that accompanies the exhibition was written by Rodrigo Alonso.
Martina Quesada approaches geometric abstraction from a singular perspective, although at a permanent dialogue with a tradition that she admires and recognizes. One of the most evident dialogues is verified in his choice of the cut-out frames introduced by the concrete art movement of Rio de la Plata, although the artist adopts them in a sense that does not hide a certain ludic nuance. His frequent use of curves perverts the most orthodox formalism, while incorporating narrative chords and sensoriality.

The strengthening of the edges does not underestimate what happens inside the pieces. On the contrary, the choice of colors, their modulation and, above all, the technique in which they are applied, constitute essential chapters of Quesada’s creative modus. For this, the artist has developed a way to apply the pigment on paper that ensures a purity impossible to achieve by other methods. On the other hand, there is a search for a singular, seductive and attractive luminosity, which softens any remnant of rigidity coming from the geometric scaffolding. Its aesthetic program aspires to formal sensitization and to enhance the emotion of the most genuine aesthetic experience.

Rodrigo Alonso

Group show

MCMC gallery opens it’s new exhibition space with a group exhibition that brings together the works of great argentine artists, such as: Edgardo Giménez, Eduardo Costa, César Paternosto, Rogelio Polesello, Martina Quesada, Manuel Esnoz and Carlos Silva.
The set of works are related to geometric abstraction, minimalism and pop art, from the 60’s to the present.
César Paternosto (1931) was born in La Plata, Argentina. He is a distinguish artist of the geometric abstraction movement in Argentina. In 1969 Paternosto began a series of works, where at first sight, the front of the work, white and uniform, did not reveal an image. He began to paint on the wide edges of the frame. The color planes of his works appear and disappear as the t spectator walks through.
Rogelio Polesello (1939-2014) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Painter and sculptor, he presented his first solo exhibition in 1959 at the Peuser gallery where his admiration for Víctor Vasarely was evident. Shortly after, his geometry took references of the New Abstraction movement and Op and kinetic art, which produced a strong effect of instability in his works. He worked with painting, engraving and acrylic objects, which allow him to create optical effects that break down the image.
Eduardo Costa (1940, Buenos Aires) is an Argentine artist who lived twenty-five years in the United States and four in Brazil. He began his career in Buenos Aires as part of the Torcuato Di Tella Institute generation and continued working in New York, where he made a strong contribution to the local avant-garde. He has collaborated with American artists such as: Vito Acconci, Scott Burton, John Perreault and Hannah Weiner, among others. In Brazil, he participated in projects organized by Hélio Oiticica, Lygia Pape, Antonio Manuel, Lygia Clark and others from the Rio de Janeiro school.
Edgardo Giménez (1942) was born in Santa Fe, Argentina. Self-taught artist, he started working on advertising graphics. One of the greatest representatives of the Pop Art in Argentina. He belong to the legendary Di Tella Institute, during the 60s and 70s. His works celebrate color and joy.
Martina Quesada (1987) is a contemporary abstract geometric artist. She analyze geometric shape from color, and introduce the frame as part of her work. She plays with cut out figures, subtlety and color values.
Manuel Esnoz (1974) is an Argentine artist based in New York. His figurative paintings represent landscapes, nudes and portraits; themes that are seen through multiple points and small brushstroke of color, which are submitted to each other to create diffuse figures.

Pop & Post-pop – Group show

“Pop & post pop “, is the group exhibition, curated by María José Herrera; that brings together the works of Delia Cancela, Juan Stoppani, Marta Minujín, Eduardo Costa and Edgardo Giménez.

Expansive and international phenomenon, Pop was a nomadic and migrant movement that put modern life and it’s characters -mainly young people- into a window to the world.
In Argentina, many of those who were called “Pop artist” exhibited at the Di Tella Institute or participated in it’s environment of open internationalism and interdisciplinary work. Breaking the canons of tradition. Music, theater, visual arts and experimentation as a slogan, resulted in a generation that showed off its imagination in the country and extended its mature fruits to the capitals of the culture of the time: New York, London and Paris.
Pop art took it’s image from Hollywood’s glamour stars and translated into the national scene. Fashion and it’s models, lights and advertising strategies, magazines and comics, created a new art, away from gods and heroic ideals, as defined by Jorge Romero Brest.

The artists appropriated the dynamism and carefreeness of urban popular culture and its productions. Provocative and irreverent they saw in mass media a vitality to integrate art. Fashion, art and design merged to pay tribute to a culture of youth where ephemeral is synonymous of intensity.

“Pop lunfardo”, as Pierre Restany called it, Argentine Pop expressed itself with a language on it’s own, which is identified by it’s originality.

Why do we talk about Post-Pop? Because just as happened in the nineteenth century with the vision installed by the Impressionism, after Pop nothing remained the same. This is evidenced by the
artists gathered in this exhibition, pioneers in that forge of elements we call Pop art. Their current works testify the validation of those ideas (original, rebellious, derisive, transgressive, sexy) for which they put the body in an attitude that today we understand as clearly political, where freedom and subjectivity were not instances to negotiate.

Miguel Ángel Vidal & Eduardo Mac Entyre – Generative Art

The MCMC gallery brings together two outstanding figures of Geometric Abstraction, Eduardo Mac Entyre and Miguel Ángel Vidal, in the exhibition entitled Generative Art. 
In September of 1960, with the denomination of Generative Art, Mac
Entyre and Vidal exhibited their works at the Peuser Salon, which was the venue for outstanding exhibitions. According to the texts of the exhibition’s catalog, it’s name was suggested by Ignacio Pirovano, who find coincidences between the paintings of the artists and the work of Georges Vantongerloo, belgian artist and theorist.
Generative Art, in opposition to the Representative Art, decides to generate new forms, as well as reflect their generative process and the phenomena that cause them.

The intention of the artists, who
recognized themselves as direct descendants of Concrete art, was to energize geometric painting that used to be static and give movement through the line, with crosslinks, superpositions and frames, thus causing vibrations and various optical effects with unqiue lyricism, accentuated by the use of a refined chromatic gamut.
In 1972 the two members of Generative Art, together with Ary Brizzi and Carlos Silva, exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires. The exhibition –that was called “Projection and Dynamics”- was then exhibited at the Musée d’art moderne de la Ville de Paris, with Manuel Espinosa’s and Miguel Ocampo’s works too.
The movement circulated, especially in Europe and Latin America, with great assimilation from artists, critics and public, due to the changes that were in gestation in the visual arts, at the time.

MCMC brings together in this exhibition, generative paintings and light sculptures from the sixties and seventies, which
display different parameters of movement adopted by the artists.
While Miguel Ángel Vidal’s work is limited to the exclusive use of the straight line repeated in a systematic way; Mac Entyre arises from linear circumferences drawn from generating points, giving shape to wide curves that overlap, meeting each other.
The set presents a
extensive tour through works that make up a rich heritage, that show the artists’ complicity and their common goal: the “generate” movement.